
Who we are

PNA Nurturing Care Service , LLC was founded in the year of 2022. PNA Nurturing Care Service, LLC is licensed with the Indiana Department of Health and Certified with Indiana Family Social Services Administration- Indiana Medicaid/ Division of Aging. Serving clients in Marion County and all surrounding counties.

Our Mission

To provide the best quality of life to all individuals in their homes or assisted living facilities regardless of their stage of life or age.

Our Values

Quality home care services

To be known for providing quality home care services that allow the clients to maintain in their home without seeking alternative placement.

Client’s Independence

To motivate all clients to be independent as possible

care unique to every one

Focus on providing the best quality of care unique to every one

Client’s decision-making Ability

Allowing the client to make their own decisions and participate in the plan of care.

Services at Request

Respectfully providing services at the client’s request

Inspire and Promote Wellness

Being able to provide insight and inspire clients to achieve goals and promote wellness

More about our staff

Our staff is highly skilled and professional. We ensure they are well suited for your needs.